Purchase your 2011/2013 Yoruba Kalendar by baba Araba Yemi Elebuibon, Araba of Osogbo at

Books and Kalendars Adventures of Obatala (part 2) By Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon

The Adventures of Obatala, Part 2 is the continuing stories of this King of Yorubaland. Share his journey to find the proper moral attitudes to accomplish his destiny.

Invisible Powers of the Metaphysical World:
A peep into the world of witches

By Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon

Chief Ifayemi Ayinde Elebuibon, Araba of Osogbo starts this book with establishing whether the concept is real or is only in people's imagination. Having concluded that witchcraft is real, Elebuibon then tells us about what gives rise to it and who are into it. He also talks about the position of the Almighty God on this issue as well as what to do in order to prevent becoming a victim--and if one already is, how to break the noose.

Written from the position of practical knowledge--gained from years of practice as a diviner, researcher and herbalist who rescues victims of withcraft--it is no gainsaying that Invisible Powers of the Metaphysical World is a mine of gold for understanding the phenomenon known as witchry and wizardry.

The Healing Powers of Sacrafice

By Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon

The chief purposes of this book are three: first, to give a lucid account of the typical day-to-day activities of Ifá priests with a view to highlighting their preoccupations, personalities and perspectives as custodial of Yorùbá religion, culture and philosophy. Second, to illuminate our understanding on the nature and structure of the Yorùbá general beliefs. And the third is to contribute to the plethora of studies already undertaken on Ifá by scholars. This new addition to the existing literatures marks yet another horizon in the ever growing studies of Ifá. The key datum for this study is Odù Ifá which is drawn from our vast field experience and tenacious research into Ifá corpus for a fat number of years. Suffice it to say that this is still an on-going encounter. Ifá is highly placed and referred to among the major divinities not only within the Yorùbá native land but also in the disapora. Spates of modernity not-withstanding, Ifá continues to flourish and to remain the supreme authority on Yorùbá culture, socio-ethics, arts and religion. It encompasses the Yorùbá World-views, cosmology, faiths and values. Succinctly put, Ifá is very deep and broad knowledge about the religious and mundane life of the Yorùbá both in the past and in the present. It also forecasts the future.

Apetebii: The wife of Orunmia

By Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon

This book discusses the role of women in Ifa, The First Principle Wife of Òrúnmìlà and through the various Odus (Sacred text of Ifa) relates and analysis's various aspects and circumstances of Apetebii. An especially important book for women's studies

Iyere Ifa: Tonal Poetry, the Voice of Ifa

By Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon

Ìyèrè a type of “singsong” chanting, is known to be one of the most important aspect of Ifá divination and liturgical chanting. The author succinctly describes the history of Ìyèrè, its relationship to the many other types of classical Yorùbá chanting, such as Ìjálá for Ògún and Iwì for Egúngún, Homage, Egúngún, Functions of Ìyèrèand offers an Odù Ifá that serves as a booster key to a good retentive memory for students of Ifá. Ìyèrè Ifá is dynamically hot! The book has 256 pages that includes illustrations.

Kalendars Available

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